Dr. Floris Voskuil
Where were you born?
Nieuwegein, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
What kind of studies do you work on?
Currently, my main focus is on the development and implementation of optical imaging for the enhanced detection of solid cancers. My area of interest is the head and neck region. Besides actively running clinical trials, I’m also contributing to the IPAS (Intra-operative pathology assisted surgery) workflow, in which we are focusing on the excised tissue specimen, to provide intra-operative information to the attending surgeon which can be used for determining the further surgical strategy. I’m currently appointed as a post-doc at the department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery at the University Medical Center Groningen
Why did you want to do research/work in this field?
I sincerely believe that we as scientists can contribute to improved clinical outcomes by providing tools for the clinician which can assist in the differentiation between healthy and malignant tissue.
What is your background/did you study?
Previously, I finished my Medical Doctor degree at the University of Groningen, after which I started my PhD thesis under the supervision of prof. dr. van Dam, dr. Witjes and prof. dr. Nagengast. Since 2019, I combined my thesis with the speed-track Dentistry, after which I will start with my residency in Oral & Maxillofacial surgery in 2023.
What relevant experiences did you gain during your study?
Experience in designing and performing clinical trials with (first-in-human) novel imaging agents. Experience in developing and exploiting new imaging devices. Clinical trial management according to EMA and FDA standards.
What do you like to do when you are not working?
Road cycling, watching sports, and enjoying my family